Black Metal

Ich gehort Black Metal und ich schreibt. Everything is crises with these men . I wonder, finding myself there, that this was in fact a conversation and that all of the old tensions, all of the old anxieties, fade.

This sentence stops the text, renders it absolute. Ich bin so falsche…aber. Ich gehort Black Metal und Ich schreibt. Sven who packs fish, or carrots – ich gehort nicht, aber ihr ist eine mensch, he learnt everything he knows in the supermarket but preferring two months on the beach in Rio, joked with Jens, the barman, that the franchise he was asked to buy into was eine witz.

Everything is in crises. My body fails. I die. Lange, lange, Conversation aber alles diese Haupt Deutsche geffalt mir nicht. Dinglisch reigns tonight , mein alte freund. My body fails.

The Cracked Actress throws curses on the phone. Ich gehort Black Metal und ich schreib nicht.

Thoughts, as ever, come faster than words and words fail.

I listen to Black Metal.
My cock is hard.
I believe in the future.